2023: 96 points Tim Atkin MW
2023: 93 points James Suckling
2023: 92 points Silver Medal, Decanter Wine Awards 2024
2022: 95 points Gold Medal, Decanter Wine Awards 2023
2022: 95 points Tim Atkin MW
2022: 93.5 points Vinómanos
2022-2021-2019-2016: 91 points James Suckling
2021: 94 points Tim Atkin MW
2021: 93 points Vinous/Vinómanos
2021: 91 points Descorchados
2020: 94 points Vinous/Descorchados
2020: 94.5 points TOP 50 Vinómanos
2020: 92 points James Suckling: TOP 100 ARGENTINE WINES 2021
2020: Bronze Medal, Decanter Wine Awards 2021
2020-2019-2018-2017-2016: 95 points – Tim Atkin MW
2019-2018-2016: 93 points Vinous (by Stephen Tanzer)
2019: 93 points Descorchados / Vinómanos
2019: 91 points Silver Medal, Decanter Wine Awards 2020
2018: 95.5 points Vinómanos
2018: 95 points – Gold Medal, Decanter Wine Awards 2019
2018: 94 points Descorchados
2018: 93 points Wine Enthusiast / James Suckling
2016: Red Wine Discovery of the year (2018) – Medal of Excellence – Tim Atkin MW